Cutting your prints

If you do not want to print your document in one of the usual formats, but in a unique size, we've got your back! We are able to cut your document in any desired size. We are able to deliver any size between Abri (1185x1750mm) and A7 (74x105mm).

Good to know

We deliver all sizes of paper between Abri (1185x1750mm) and A7 (105x74mm). For example, do you want to order borderless flyers (with a design till the edge of the paper)? You just upload your files with bleed or we enlarge your document with 1%, which enables us to cut your flyer clean after we have printed it. For tailor-made cutting we charge cutting costs.

Any doubts?

Upload your file on our webpage and immediately see how it will look in the preview! Choose different specifications and your file will change immediately. Do you still have doubts about something? Choose our comprehensive document check. With this option we check the file again for, among other things, resolution, dimensions and margin. If we see something is wrong, we will let you know immediately and provide you with a solution!